Donita K. Paul is a wonderful storyteller. When a reader starts one of her books, he or she will not want to put it down. Two Tickets to the Christmas Ball is no exception.
The book is about two people who have worked together for years but never really noticed each other. They both receive tickets to the annual Christmas Ball and their adventure starts there. It is filled with humor, romance, and suspense.
I love how Donita incorporated God's love into this story. As the characters are striving to get to know each other, they also learn about God's love on a deeper level. In the words of one of the best characters, "No matter who your earthly family is or how they failed you, your heavenly Father will never deny you nor forsake you." (211).
I would definitely recommend this book to everyone. I received this book for free from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing for this review.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Book Review: A Sound Among the Trees by Susan Meissner
Susan Meissner weaves an enthralling tale of love and ghosts in A Sound Among the Trees. Marielle, a woman from Arizona, marries Carson, a widower from Virginia and moves into his home. Soon after moving into Holly Oak, Marielle realizes it is full of ghosts from the past. A past filled with violence and lost, but a past that the inhabitants of the house will not give up.
A Sound Among the Trees is a beautifully written story about how important it is to let the past remain in the past. As the women of Holly Oak discover this important truth, we, the readers, are taught by their struggles and challenges.
While A Sound Among the Trees does capture the imagination, it is somewhat slow to begin with. The first few chapters feel as thought the reader is simple being dragged along the new life of Marielle. But as the plot begins to pick up the reader will not want to put the book down.
A Sound Among the Trees is a great read for those interested in Civil War romance or ghost stories. You can read the first chapter at I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing for this review.
A Sound Among the Trees is a beautifully written story about how important it is to let the past remain in the past. As the women of Holly Oak discover this important truth, we, the readers, are taught by their struggles and challenges.
While A Sound Among the Trees does capture the imagination, it is somewhat slow to begin with. The first few chapters feel as thought the reader is simple being dragged along the new life of Marielle. But as the plot begins to pick up the reader will not want to put the book down.
A Sound Among the Trees is a great read for those interested in Civil War romance or ghost stories. You can read the first chapter at I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing for this review.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Book Review: Dinner with a Perfect Stranger
Dinner with a Perfect Stranger is about a man named Nick who receives an anonymous invitation to dinner with Jesus. Nick is skeptical about this dinner invite. He has no relationship with God, his marriage is shaky, and his job no longer gives him satisfaction. Nevertheless, he accepts the invitation and shows up at the restaurant were Jesus of Nazareth awaits him. The conversation that ensues is extremely interesting and, at times, entertaining. The reader takes the place as an observer in this conversation; however, at many places in the conversation it is as though Jesus is speaking to the reader.
David Gregory, the author, uses a 100 page book to help explain the fundamentals of Christianity. He also looks at other religions and points out how and where they have fallen short of the truth. In response to the question about why Jesus doesn't make everyone go to heaven, he responds "Love doesn't force relationship... God created people to be able to choose freely. He honors their choices" (79-80).
Dinner with a Perfect Stranger is a light/heavy read. Light in the fact that it is only 100 pages. Heavy in the fact that it deals with questions and issues that many people spend months, even years, pondering on. While some questions may be answered, others are left unanswered as if to challenge the reader to seek a closer relationship with God so that the answer may be found. The first chapter can be read here. I received this book from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing for this review.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Book Review: Restless in Carolina
Restless in Carolina in a story about a woman named Bridget Pickwick-Buchanan who is trying to help her family sell their estate to someone who will not turn it into an amusement park. It is also about her journey from a four-year period of spiritual and emotional death to life again. As Bridget struggles to regain her life again, the reader is taken on a page-turning, late-night, reading spree. The reader will come to feel as though the characters are real life people going through real life problems and begin to associate with them.
Restless in Carolina is a romance story. Not only is it about the romance between a man and woman, but also between God and his creation. Through the story Bridget learns how to trust God again. She also learns that if God does not come first in her life, whatever she put in his position will break her heart one way or another.
Restless in Carolina is a great story. I would definitely recommend this book to others. You can read the first chapter here. I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing for this review.
Restless in Carolina is a romance story. Not only is it about the romance between a man and woman, but also between God and his creation. Through the story Bridget learns how to trust God again. She also learns that if God does not come first in her life, whatever she put in his position will break her heart one way or another.
Restless in Carolina is a great story. I would definitely recommend this book to others. You can read the first chapter here. I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing for this review.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Book Review: Breath of Angel
Breath of Angel was an interesting book. It's story line is unique; however, I was not completely taken away with it. The story line is very frustrating. If the reader is the type of person that looks for an allegory in a book like this, I would not recommend this book. It was almost impossible to find a correlation between this book and the Bible. Towards the end of the book I did begin to like it in the sense that I couldn't put it down. Henley makes her characters come to life and the reader becomes enraptured in their experiences. If the reader is looking for allegorical references in this book, I would not recommend them read it. However, if the reader is looking for a good, entertaining, page-turning read, then this is the book for them. I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing for this review.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Book Review: Bad Girls of the Bible
Bad Girls of the Bible explores the lives of ten biblical women. These women are not the good girls that we hear about in Sunday School, but rather they are the bad girls. Whether they were bad from the beginning; good and then turned bad at the end; or bad then turned good at the end, they are included. Liz Higgs tells us the story of these women in a way that keeps the reader interested and entertained. She also helps us see what we can learn from the lives of these women.
My favorite character in the book and, consequently, the one I most relate to is The Sinful Women. I would definitely recommend this book. I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
My favorite character in the book and, consequently, the one I most relate to is The Sinful Women. I would definitely recommend this book. I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Book Review: Plain Wisdom
Plain Wisdom is a book full of wise advice and delicious recipes. It takes you on a journey with two God-filled women as they traverse the ups and downs of life. This book will make you laugh and cry as you experience their memories. I would recommend this book to my friends. I received this book for free from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Book Review: Churched
I give the book Churched 4.5 stars. It was a wonderful book. It was very funny and realistic. The book is an autobiography about the authors search for a church were he fits in. The author doesn't seem to glorify or over exaggerate his life, but he tells it in a way that other people can relate to. This book is a good light read with many spiritual insights that get you thinking about your own theology. I would definitely recommend this book. I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing for this review.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
The Maylee Adventures: Facing the Sea Serpent
It's finally out! The Maylee Adventures: Facing the Sea Serpent, book 2 of the series, is available to purchase. You can visit our website to find links to purchase the book.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Do Not Like It
Have you ever been woken up by someone crying? It's not a good wake up. I have been woken up in this manner twice in the past three years. Both times it was on account of a beloved dog.
The first time one of our big dogs attacked one of our little dogs. We were able to take the little dog to the vet and he is still with us today: happy, healthy, and very much active. Today, however, the story did not end well. Prince John, our miniature Dachshund, would not move or get out of bed. He would not even lift his head up when someone came in. He wouldn't go to the bathroom or eat. We decided it was time for Prince to go to doggie heaven so we took him to the vet and put him to sleep. We had a funeral for our beloved pet. He had been with us for ten years and had become part of the family. A gravestone was erected at the burial plot.
Now many people may say that this, the death of a pet, is not traumatic and that we have no reason to grieve. Others may say that when an animal dies they cease to exist. They say that an animal has no soul; therefore, we have no reason to grieve for it and no reason to believe that the animal went to heaven. These people have obviously never had a pet they were attached to.
Pets are our deep friends. They are there for us when we're really excited or really sad. They are the very model of unconditional love. Would that humans would mimic their pets. Saying that a person should not grieve over their pet or worsening their grief by destroying their hope of a heaven where their pet goes to is like telling a person not to grieve for a brother or sister or best friend.
Many people, however, do not equate humans and animals. In some instances animal's lives are not as precious as humans. However, when you have a pet for any amount of time and have become emotionally attached then that animal's life is equal to the life of a human.
The gist of it is this. Prince John is dead and the entire family is crying. If animals do not have a soul, then why do they effect us this way? Don't judge what you have never been through.
The first time one of our big dogs attacked one of our little dogs. We were able to take the little dog to the vet and he is still with us today: happy, healthy, and very much active. Today, however, the story did not end well. Prince John, our miniature Dachshund, would not move or get out of bed. He would not even lift his head up when someone came in. He wouldn't go to the bathroom or eat. We decided it was time for Prince to go to doggie heaven so we took him to the vet and put him to sleep. We had a funeral for our beloved pet. He had been with us for ten years and had become part of the family. A gravestone was erected at the burial plot.
Now many people may say that this, the death of a pet, is not traumatic and that we have no reason to grieve. Others may say that when an animal dies they cease to exist. They say that an animal has no soul; therefore, we have no reason to grieve for it and no reason to believe that the animal went to heaven. These people have obviously never had a pet they were attached to.
Pets are our deep friends. They are there for us when we're really excited or really sad. They are the very model of unconditional love. Would that humans would mimic their pets. Saying that a person should not grieve over their pet or worsening their grief by destroying their hope of a heaven where their pet goes to is like telling a person not to grieve for a brother or sister or best friend.
Many people, however, do not equate humans and animals. In some instances animal's lives are not as precious as humans. However, when you have a pet for any amount of time and have become emotionally attached then that animal's life is equal to the life of a human.
The gist of it is this. Prince John is dead and the entire family is crying. If animals do not have a soul, then why do they effect us this way? Don't judge what you have never been through.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Book Review: Sir Quinlan and the Swords of Valor
I really liked this book because it is full of deceit and betrayal. My favorite character is Kessler because he knows how to laugh even in the dark times. I can relate a lot to Twitch and the fact that there are times that I can't make decisions by myself. I would definitely recommend this book to my friends because it holds a lot of valuable points. I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
Please rank my review:
Please rank my review:
Monday, April 18, 2011
The Princess and Her Flower (Part 2)
Where did we leave off? Ahhhh yes, Larissa has just be taken away from her home. She is on her way to an unknown place and an unknown groom.
As Larissa sat in the carriage that took her to the unknown, she pondered what was to become of her. She thought of her mother and what her father told her during their last discussion. She thought about her garden and who would take care of it. She thought of Sunshine and if it would live without her. She thought on these things for a long time because she had a long time to think.
Many days of travel passed when the carriage finally came to a stop in front of a beautiful castle. This castle was much larger than her own and far more majestic. Whatever her future husband looked like or acted like, Larissa knew that he, most certainly, was not poor. Larissa was then escorted inside and ushered into an enormous room where servants attended her. She was brought the best of food and drink, given a bath, and then given the most beautiful clothes and jewelry she had ever seen. Once Larissa was bedecked in the finest raiment, she was taken to another part of the castle and there she met an old man.
Larissa was terrified. Was this the king that her father talked about? Was this the man that was to be her husband? She did not know what to do. She wanted to scream, to run away, to hit the man, to hit her father, to hit the servant that brought her; but, she couldn't do anything. So she just stood there and waited for what would happen to her next.
The man examined her and nodded in approval at the servant. The servant acknowledged the approval and smiled accordingly. Then the man told Larissa to follow him and he walked through magnificent double doors into the throne room of the king.
This was like no throne room she had ever seen before, not that she had seen any other throne room other than her father's. However, this throne room was not like and will never be like any king's throne room. The room itself was very large. It had four walls, the double doors that Larissa just went through, and a small humble wooden door on the adjoining side, but this throne room had no roof. Apparently it had no cover either so the sun and rain could come into the throne room whenever it wanted. This throne room also had no floor, at least not the kind of floor Larissa thought a throne room should have; in fact, it didn't even have the kind of floor that any room in any house should have. The floor was covered with the most richly colored green grass Larissa had ever seen. She thought that, surely, this was not grass, but emeralds on the floor. When she stepped on it, however, she found out that it really was grass. It was the most soft and springy grass that Larissa had ever walked on. Instead of pillars of marble that her father had in his throne room, Larissa saw that this throne room had great trees. The trees created a path from the humble door right to the throne and onto this path the old man lead Larissa.
The throne room was situated on a hill so that when you first started out on the path you could not see the actual throne. During this interval of thronelessness, Larissa admired the surroundings. She admired the emerald grass and the trees that stood like sentinels. Then the old man and Larissa reached the crest of the hill and she saw the throne and the king. The throne was made out of a living tree. It was formed so perfectly that the branches were intertwined to make the back and armrests of the throne and the stump was the seat. The king was the most beautiful man Larissa had ever seen. He was tall and muscular, very much in resemblance to the trees that watched over the throne room. He had dark hair, shoulder length hair. At the moment he was playing with some little kids and their dog and did not look up to notice the approach of his bride.
When Larissa was halfway to the throne the king looked up and looked directly into her eyes. Larissa though that he saw to the very depths of her soul with those piercing blue eyes and perhaps he did. Then he smiled and showed a perfect set of teeth, relieving some of Larissa's fears. Then Larissa reached him. The old man introduced her to the king. The king once more looked at her and said, "Welcome Princess Larissa, Daughter of King Laurence, Bride to King Elvane, Queen of The Mountain". And with those words he took her and wedded her and she lived happily ever after.
I wonder how many readers thought that this story would end this way. Maybe I should tell the reader that this city is the very city where Sunshine's seed came from and that Larissa had a whole garden of sunshines that she tended too. Larissa and King Elvane loved each other very much.
Well that is all, dear reader, of Larissa's adventures. I hope you enjoyed them.
As Larissa sat in the carriage that took her to the unknown, she pondered what was to become of her. She thought of her mother and what her father told her during their last discussion. She thought about her garden and who would take care of it. She thought of Sunshine and if it would live without her. She thought on these things for a long time because she had a long time to think.
Many days of travel passed when the carriage finally came to a stop in front of a beautiful castle. This castle was much larger than her own and far more majestic. Whatever her future husband looked like or acted like, Larissa knew that he, most certainly, was not poor. Larissa was then escorted inside and ushered into an enormous room where servants attended her. She was brought the best of food and drink, given a bath, and then given the most beautiful clothes and jewelry she had ever seen. Once Larissa was bedecked in the finest raiment, she was taken to another part of the castle and there she met an old man.
Larissa was terrified. Was this the king that her father talked about? Was this the man that was to be her husband? She did not know what to do. She wanted to scream, to run away, to hit the man, to hit her father, to hit the servant that brought her; but, she couldn't do anything. So she just stood there and waited for what would happen to her next.
The man examined her and nodded in approval at the servant. The servant acknowledged the approval and smiled accordingly. Then the man told Larissa to follow him and he walked through magnificent double doors into the throne room of the king.
This was like no throne room she had ever seen before, not that she had seen any other throne room other than her father's. However, this throne room was not like and will never be like any king's throne room. The room itself was very large. It had four walls, the double doors that Larissa just went through, and a small humble wooden door on the adjoining side, but this throne room had no roof. Apparently it had no cover either so the sun and rain could come into the throne room whenever it wanted. This throne room also had no floor, at least not the kind of floor Larissa thought a throne room should have; in fact, it didn't even have the kind of floor that any room in any house should have. The floor was covered with the most richly colored green grass Larissa had ever seen. She thought that, surely, this was not grass, but emeralds on the floor. When she stepped on it, however, she found out that it really was grass. It was the most soft and springy grass that Larissa had ever walked on. Instead of pillars of marble that her father had in his throne room, Larissa saw that this throne room had great trees. The trees created a path from the humble door right to the throne and onto this path the old man lead Larissa.
The throne room was situated on a hill so that when you first started out on the path you could not see the actual throne. During this interval of thronelessness, Larissa admired the surroundings. She admired the emerald grass and the trees that stood like sentinels. Then the old man and Larissa reached the crest of the hill and she saw the throne and the king. The throne was made out of a living tree. It was formed so perfectly that the branches were intertwined to make the back and armrests of the throne and the stump was the seat. The king was the most beautiful man Larissa had ever seen. He was tall and muscular, very much in resemblance to the trees that watched over the throne room. He had dark hair, shoulder length hair. At the moment he was playing with some little kids and their dog and did not look up to notice the approach of his bride.
When Larissa was halfway to the throne the king looked up and looked directly into her eyes. Larissa though that he saw to the very depths of her soul with those piercing blue eyes and perhaps he did. Then he smiled and showed a perfect set of teeth, relieving some of Larissa's fears. Then Larissa reached him. The old man introduced her to the king. The king once more looked at her and said, "Welcome Princess Larissa, Daughter of King Laurence, Bride to King Elvane, Queen of The Mountain". And with those words he took her and wedded her and she lived happily ever after.
I wonder how many readers thought that this story would end this way. Maybe I should tell the reader that this city is the very city where Sunshine's seed came from and that Larissa had a whole garden of sunshines that she tended too. Larissa and King Elvane loved each other very much.
Well that is all, dear reader, of Larissa's adventures. I hope you enjoyed them.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
The Princess and Her Flower
Once upon a time there was a pretty little princess. Her name was Larissa. She had blonde ringlets and blue eyes. Her mom and dad were King and Queen over a very large kingdom, but such matters were not important to Larissa. The only thing that filled Larissa's mind and the only thing she ever really worried about was her garden.
Larissa's garden was the most beautiful garden in the entire kingdom. It had pink flowers, purple flowers, blue flowers, yellow flowers, red flowers, and it even had striped flowers. However, there was one flower that surpassed all the other flowers. This flower was Larissa's most prized possession. This flower's petals were each a different shade of pink, purple, and blue. Each petal was tinged with silver and the leaves were tinged with gold. The stalk of this flower was of the deepest green and its perfume smelled like a spring shower. Larissa called this flower Sunshine.
Everyday Larissa would go out and meticulously tend to her garden always paying special attention to Sunshine. She would sing to her growing plants and she would talk to them because her grandfather used to say, "Plants are like people: they not only require nourishment and love, but they also require conversation". Perhaps this was why Larissa's garden was the most beautiful.
Now, normally, when a story begins with "once upon a time" we expect it to end with happily ever after; however, some stories are not so lucky. Some stories don't have a happy ending they just end. Some have sad endings, but others just end. I'm not going to give away the ending to this story, however. The reader must be left with his or her own conclusions about what type of ending this story has.
One bright sunny day Larissa woke up, ate breakfast, and then headed out to tend to her garden. But little did Larissa know that this day would not stay bright for long. Trouble was brewing in the castle. The King had visitors from a far away kingdom and they were discussing an alliance. This alliance would very soon effect Larissa's life.
Larissa's nurse came out to her and told her that she had to come in. Once inside her nurse gave her a bath, put on her best clothes, and made her look nice. Larissa wondered what the special occasion was. As mentioned before, Larissa did not care about matters of the kingdom and was generally clueless as to what was happening.
Larissa's nurse brought her into the throne room. There were many people there. Her mother was crying a little way off, but when she saw Larissa, she ran up and hugged her. Larissa looked at her father for an explanation and this is what was given to her: "These gentlemen are from a far away land. They have come to seek an alliance with us. I have agreed to their terms. You must go with them and marry their King. I have decided that this was the best course of action, not just for our kingdom, but also for you. If you stay here, I cannot guarantee that you will be married. This way I know that you will be provided for. I love you, Larissa". With that the King gave his daughter a kiss and lead her to the wagon were she would be taken away. Her luggage was loaded and after her mother said goodbye she left. Never to see her family again. Never to see her garden again. Never to see her Sunshine again.
Now I think I'll leave this story here. Right here. I'll give the reader time to digest what just happened to Larissa. Time to think about what will happen. Then I'll finish this story at another time, hopefully tomorrow. Yes, there is another part to this story. No, this story does not end here. Not yet.
Larissa's garden was the most beautiful garden in the entire kingdom. It had pink flowers, purple flowers, blue flowers, yellow flowers, red flowers, and it even had striped flowers. However, there was one flower that surpassed all the other flowers. This flower was Larissa's most prized possession. This flower's petals were each a different shade of pink, purple, and blue. Each petal was tinged with silver and the leaves were tinged with gold. The stalk of this flower was of the deepest green and its perfume smelled like a spring shower. Larissa called this flower Sunshine.
Everyday Larissa would go out and meticulously tend to her garden always paying special attention to Sunshine. She would sing to her growing plants and she would talk to them because her grandfather used to say, "Plants are like people: they not only require nourishment and love, but they also require conversation". Perhaps this was why Larissa's garden was the most beautiful.
Now, normally, when a story begins with "once upon a time" we expect it to end with happily ever after; however, some stories are not so lucky. Some stories don't have a happy ending they just end. Some have sad endings, but others just end. I'm not going to give away the ending to this story, however. The reader must be left with his or her own conclusions about what type of ending this story has.
One bright sunny day Larissa woke up, ate breakfast, and then headed out to tend to her garden. But little did Larissa know that this day would not stay bright for long. Trouble was brewing in the castle. The King had visitors from a far away kingdom and they were discussing an alliance. This alliance would very soon effect Larissa's life.
Larissa's nurse came out to her and told her that she had to come in. Once inside her nurse gave her a bath, put on her best clothes, and made her look nice. Larissa wondered what the special occasion was. As mentioned before, Larissa did not care about matters of the kingdom and was generally clueless as to what was happening.
Larissa's nurse brought her into the throne room. There were many people there. Her mother was crying a little way off, but when she saw Larissa, she ran up and hugged her. Larissa looked at her father for an explanation and this is what was given to her: "These gentlemen are from a far away land. They have come to seek an alliance with us. I have agreed to their terms. You must go with them and marry their King. I have decided that this was the best course of action, not just for our kingdom, but also for you. If you stay here, I cannot guarantee that you will be married. This way I know that you will be provided for. I love you, Larissa". With that the King gave his daughter a kiss and lead her to the wagon were she would be taken away. Her luggage was loaded and after her mother said goodbye she left. Never to see her family again. Never to see her garden again. Never to see her Sunshine again.
Now I think I'll leave this story here. Right here. I'll give the reader time to digest what just happened to Larissa. Time to think about what will happen. Then I'll finish this story at another time, hopefully tomorrow. Yes, there is another part to this story. No, this story does not end here. Not yet.
Monday, April 11, 2011
I Found Something Awesome
Hey Everyone,
I found a program that I really like. It's called Blogging for Books. A publishing company, Waterbrook Multnomah, sends you out free books just for posting a review about the books. They even pay for the shipping.
I found a program that I really like. It's called Blogging for Books. A publishing company, Waterbrook Multnomah, sends you out free books just for posting a review about the books. They even pay for the shipping.
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Sunday, April 10, 2011
Welcome Everyone,
This is my first blog, ever. This blog is about a writers life and I may put some short stories in as well.
Yes, I am a writer. I have written The Maylee Adventures: The Adventure Begins with my brother and sister. It is published and available to buy. We are currently in the process of publishing the sequel, The Maylee Adventures: Facing the Sea Serpent. More updates will be available on this blog.
Also on this blog will be my critiquing prowess of, or attempts of critiquing, books. The book I am currently reading will be posted and I will post a review after I finish reading it.
I believe that I have bored everyone enough with introduction stuff. Now off to blogging.
This is my first blog, ever. This blog is about a writers life and I may put some short stories in as well.
Yes, I am a writer. I have written The Maylee Adventures: The Adventure Begins with my brother and sister. It is published and available to buy. We are currently in the process of publishing the sequel, The Maylee Adventures: Facing the Sea Serpent. More updates will be available on this blog.
Also on this blog will be my critiquing prowess of, or attempts of critiquing, books. The book I am currently reading will be posted and I will post a review after I finish reading it.
I believe that I have bored everyone enough with introduction stuff. Now off to blogging.
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